Friday, September 23, 2016

Flooding every time when there is rain

Photo taken from Google
                 The Philippines is known as one of the most hazard-prone countries in the
world. Over the past decades, millions of Filipinos have been adversely affected by natural disasters such as typhoons,earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and their resultant effects like floods, flash floods, landslides and tsunamis due to the
Philippines’ geographical location and physical environment. As an archipelago situated in the Pacific ring of fire,
with more than 7,000 islands and 36,000 kilometers coastline, the Philippines is highly vulnerable to the impacts of
natural disasters, including the global phenomenon of climate change. With global warming, environmental
degradation, high population density and poverty conditions, impacts of natural disasters are exacerbated. 

Photo taken from Google
Information taken from:
     Natural Disasters     

What causes the Flash floods in the Philippines?

   Most rivers flow fairly gently as they slope slowly towards the sea. Therefore, when a river floods it does so quite slowly as it takes time for the rain to percolate through the ground and into the rivers and out to sea − allowing time for some warning. With flash flooding there is often very little time between the rain falling and flash flooding occurring.
Flash flooding commonly happens more where rivers are narrow and steep, so they flow more quickly. It can also occur away from small rivers in built-up urban areas where hard surfaces such as roads and concrete don't let the water drain away into the ground. This leads to surface overflow and can often overwhelm local drainage systems leading to flash flooding

Effects of Flooding

Photo taken from Google
Photo taken from Google

            Floodwater can seriously disrupt public and personal transport by cutting off roads and railway lines, as well as communication links when telephone lines are damaged.Floods disrupt normal drainage systems in cities, and sewage spills are common,which represents a serious health hazard,along with standing water and wet materials in the home. Bacteria, mound and viruses, cause disease, trigger allergic reactions, and continue to damage materials long after a flood.Floods can distribute large amounts of water and suspended sediment over vast areas,restocking valuable soil nutrients to agricultural lands. In contrast, soil can be eroded by large amounts of fast flowing water, ruining crops, destroying agricultural land / buildings and drowning farm animals.                     


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