Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What is my blog all about?

Photo taken from Google
              My blog is all about the Common Problems of the Philippines. This blog provides you some information about the Economic Problems of the the Philippines that we are facing today. It's content have some information on how to prevent or to solve those specific problems in our country.

Photo taken from Google

The reasons why I want to blog this:

     I want to blog this because, I want to inform my fellow countrymen how terrible our country today because of the so many problems.I want to spread some information through words. Through this way, people in the Philippines will be united to solve this problems.

What is my goal and purpose for blogging this:

Photo taken from Google
            One of my purpose is to encourage people;not only people in the Philippines, to avoid illegal acts to decrease the cases of crimes or any illegal doings that make our country Philippines down. In addition, to make our government and not only people in the Philippines would unite to be able prawns problems in 
our country.

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